The Oldest Traditions Call for the Latest and Greatest Fireworks.
Tired of the same old, same old? Enter a new dimension of awesome where you’ll find the latest, most exciting fireworks products to make any occasion rock.
Whether you want to break free of the mold for the Fourth of July, or you want to set off something stellar for New Years, we’ve got the cool, new stuff you crave!
Super loud ear piercing screaming serpent tails to red, white, and blue chrysanthemums. Fear The Banshee!
This horror show features Silver dragon tails to massive breaks of luminescent red, green, blue, purple, and lemon stars with bright strobes and falling leaves. Try not to be afraid!
Blinding mines with white strobes and gold glitter comets to blue stars with alternating green and gold willows to sky blue bouquets and rows of green red and blue stars with gold willows. This is a real Monster bash.